Actor John Wood saw to it that every bullet was dead on target.
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Her diction is exquisite in all the Western languages, her pitch is dead on target and her vibrato smartly applied and perfectly controlled.
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Kill that victim and you inherit his target, and so on, until all but one killer is dead.
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It was a letter that should have woken the dead and, as it happened, couldn't have been more on target.
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Sometimes he sounds as crazy as pre-president Baltar, what with toting around dead cats and all, but most of the time he's right on target.
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After a few final pointers on things like sight alignment and trigger control, I took my first shot in 29 years-the bullet struck the target dead center.
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Fouts took over from his dead-armed and ineffective hero in the fourth game of his rookie season, and went on to endure six chaotic years as the best target on one of pro football's worst teams.