River gravel serves as a mulch and wicks dampness away from the crown of plants.
From the online.wsj.com
Notice how the mud feels, its coolness, its dampness, its texture, and so forth.
From the blog.beliefnet.com
Those that can cope with the cold, dark dampness of winter and those that can't.
From the thisisbristol.co.uk
The dampness currently forming around my eyes is simply the result of eye strain.
From the ocregister.com
A dehumidifier is also a great investment for basement areas prone to dampness.
From the thestate.com
Persistent dampness may cause the bamboo to warp, somewhat similar to hardwood.
From the charlotteobserver.com
The basement, where the church's youth group met, smelled constantly of dampness.
From the kentucky.com
If the dampness has disappeared, then condensation is very likely the problem.
From the en.wikipedia.org
In the first two hours, there was little bit of seam there with the dampness.
From the independent.co.uk
More examples
Damp: a slight wetness
Water content or moisture content is the quantity of water contained in a material, such as soil (called soil moisture), rock, ceramics, fruit, or wood. ...
Moderate humidity; moisture; fogginess; moistness; Degree to which something is damp or moist
Associated with inflammatory muscle and joint disease such as rheumatism and arthritis;
Caused by external damp pathogenic factors or internally by imbalance of the spleen or kidney in promoting water circulation and distribution. ...
Dampness impairs Yang Qi. If Spleen Yang is impaired, it can lead to diarrhea, scanty urine and edema. Dampness-related problems such as edema, gummy eyes, sticky loose stools, and eczema are characterized by heaviness and turbidity. ...
An area which is consistently damp or smells of dampness without any apparent cause is an area of 'negative energy'according to geopathy.Vaastu also holds that one should not build a structure where there is dampness all the time.