I think maybe I went to a curandero maybe two times or three times in my life.
From the npr.org
She suggested that I go there to find her uncle Don Aurelio, a curandero.
From the washingtonpost.com
Cabrera said visits to a curandero can have the same effect as prayer.
From the delawareonline.com
It was the curandero, someone said, so I ran after him.
From the washingtonpost.com
But she says no, I am a curandero, which means a healer.
From the npr.org
My book is based on both my MSc research into shamanism, consciousness and healing, as well as my experiences as an ayahuasca curandero apprentice.
From the guardian.co.uk
The tradition of this place, dating back to 1921, is attributed to Nino Fidencio, a curandero, healer and clairvoyant during the Mexican Revolution era whose fame still lingers on to this day.
From the washingtonpost.com
More examples
A Mexican man who practices healing techniques inherited from the Mayans
A curandero (or curandera for a female) is a traditional folk healer or shaman in Hispanic America, who is dedicated to curing physical or spiritual illnesses. The Role of a curandero or curandera can also incorporate the roles of psychiatrist along with that of doctor and healer. ...
A traditional Central American healer
A Curandero is a type of traditional folk healer. Originally found in Latin America, Curanderos specialize in treating illness through the use of supernatural forces, herbal remedies, and other natural medicines.
An Indian shaman healer who used herbs and magic to cure diseases