English language

How to pronounce cryostat in English?

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Type Words
Type of thermoregulator, thermostat

Examples of cryostat

Cool the cryostat down to a working temperature of 45 K. Completely overcouple the resonator.
From the nature.com
Embryonic brains were then embedded in OCT compound and frozen before sectioning using a cryostat.
From the nature.com
Valves on the cryostat, a chamber of super-cold hydrogen ice that cools the WISE instrument, opened.
From the sciencedaily.com
The heat generation becomes appreciable once the heat load exceeds the cooling capacity of the cryostat.
From the nature.com
The sample was kept in vacuum in a microscopy cryostat.
From the nature.com
It is expected that the total weight of the cryostat and its on-telescope electronics will be under 400 kg.
From the en.wikipedia.org
At its center, a very large cylindrical thermos flask or cryostat, held the cryogenicdeuterium fusion fuel.
From the en.wikipedia.org
It is done using a refrigeration device called a cryostat.
From the en.wikipedia.org
They sit on top of a tank filled with superfluid liquid helium, inside a giant thermos flask known as a cryostat.
From the sciencedaily.com
More examples
  • A thermostat that operates at very low temperatures
  • A Cryostat (from cryo=cold and stat=stationary) is a vessel, similar in construction to a vacuum flask, or Dewar used to maintain cold cryogenic temperatures. ...
  • A vacuum vessel capable of being evacuated at room temperature built around a superconducting tokamak, which provides thermal insulation to maintain the Magnets at low temperature.
  • A freezing chamber used by pathologists to prepare fresh tissue sections for immediate microscopic evaluation/diagnosis.
  • A microtome in a cabinet maintained at subfreezing temperature in which frozen sections are cut and prepared for staining.