Plus, the rules don't let you crosscheck and terrorize like the good old days.
From the
We would save this info and use it later to crosscheck and verify it against similar data.
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Sorting that is easiest as I can script a bot to scan and verify dates and crosscheck FMOD easily.
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I'll crosscheck each subject's article with a few searches to see how easily interviews can be found.
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The new database will let states crosscheck records.
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Getting near the 6-6 Pronger means a decent chance of having your lower back introduced to the wonders of the crosscheck.
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You can use that file to crosscheck the refs.
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Please anyone to crosscheck and correct it.
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YouTube works directly with parters to get material like TV shows and movies, which it can crosscheck again whenever a user uploads their video.
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More examples
An instance of confirming something by considering information from several sources
An illegal check (chopping at an opponent's arms or stick)
A penalty; A penalty where a player hits another player with the shaft of their lacrosse stick with their hands spread apart; To hit another player with the shaft of a lacrosse stick; To re-examine; to double-check
(Cross-checking) The act of checking an opponent with the shaft of the stick held in both hands. This is illegal and earns a minor or major penalty depending on the severity of the infraction.
(Cross-Checking) Checking one cue against another (visual, structure, meaning)
(Cross-checking) Refers to the illegal use of the upper part of the hockey stick to challenge an opponent.
Everyone checks everyone else for things that are loose, that make noise, reflect or light up, smell bad, etc; because not only is everyone on an operation at risk from everyone else (v: SHIT MAGNET), but everyone must know where everyone else's GEAR is positioned in case of emergency or ...
When a player gets their King out of Check by blocking with a piece which delivers a Check, or reveals a Discovered Check, against the opposition King, this latter Check becomes the "Cross-Check".
A check in reply to a check, typical of Queen endings (See the second Nimzo game in the handout On Manoeuvres.)