In addition, any criminal suit is likely to kill off any cooperation between BP and the government.
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A tech service firm called Vision Systems Group has been charged, in a criminal suit filed in February, with taking another approach to visa fraud.
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Ali al-Dabbagh said the criminal suit was already well advanced against the firm, which would not be allowed to restart its private military work in the country.
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The suit says Nicholas's criminal indictment shows he is unfit to manage their money.
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According to the suit, Parker was arrested for aggravated criminal trespass.
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Mozer and Murphy, who both contest the suit, also face possible criminal indictments.
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Neither he nor his criminal defense attorney returned calls about the suit Wednesday.
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While its civil suit progresses, the government will pursue possible criminal charges.
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A wrongful death suit has been filed in the case that also led to criminal charges.