In the pitch black, the creak of the train reverberated against the rock walls.
From the
Just ask Deans that as his beleaguered Wallabies creak and groan across Europe.
From the
But the city's not just about the creak of leather and the growl of a two stroke.
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Descending to my cabin, I hear every creak and rattle of the gently rocking boat.
From the
Before, you could hear the platforms creak and the faint slap of hoops on skin.
From the
The chassis is stiff and strong, and didn't creak or crack when I stressed it.
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Between them lies a set of ancient wooden stairs that creak like a graveyard gate.
From the
The creak of fresh snow under boots, the scent of balsam, and a cobalt sky helped.
From the
Many recalled how nervous they felt as the bridge would creak and sway under load.
From the
More examples
A squeaking sound; "the creak of the floorboards gave him away"
Whine: make a high-pitched, screeching noise; "The door creaked when I opened it slowly"; "My car engine makes a whining noise"
(creaky) worn and broken down by hard use; "a creaky shack"; "a decrepit bus...its seats held together with friction tape"; "a flea-bitten sofa"; "a run-down neighborhood"; "a woebegone old shack"
(creaky) having a rasping or grating sound; "creaky stairs"
(creaky) arthritic: of or pertaining to arthritis; "my creaky old joints"; "rheumy with age and grief"