Underneath, like a the cowbell in Don't Fear The Reaper, is a weekly deals site.
From the techcrunch.com
Handclapping, tambourine and cowbell were then added by McCartney and Harrison.
From the en.wikipedia.org
On the morning TV shows, one lengthy segment was devoted to cowbell etiquette.
From the philly.com
Apparently this Florida Panthers'fan has a fever, and the only cure is more cowbell.
From the ocregister.com
Natalie wasn't there with her cowbell Saturday during Brandon's game at Glens Falls.
From the timesunion.com
When they bust out the cowbell on Make Some Noise, they're just showing off.
From the stuff.co.nz
Somehow I have a feeling we are going to be heading south for a little more cowbell.
From the newsobserver.com
If no hostess is present in the cavernous foyer, there is a cowbell for you to ring.
From the nytimes.com
Ellen Stewart announces the evening's program by ringing a homely cowbell.
From the time.com
More examples
A bell hung around the neck of cow so that the cow can be easily located
The cowbell is an idiophone hand percussion instrument used in various styles of music including salsa and infrequently in popular music. It is named after the similar bell historically used by herdsmen to keep track of the whereabouts of cows.
Cowbell is a song by the Tapes 'n Tapes. It is the seventh track on their album The Loon.
A bell worn by cows; sometimes with an ornate strap; A musical instrument, typically found without a clapper
(cowbells) A flashing, multi-bladed lure that resembles a small school of bait fish that is commonly used to troll for trout.
(Cowbells) Large metal bells with a heavy clapper, usually with straight rather than flared sides, and nearly rectangular shape. The type without a clapper is played with a drumstick.
A small, hollow bell used to make a rhythmic sound popular in Latin and rock styles of music. Originally used by herdsmen to keep track of their livestock, the cowbell has a unique tone that funks up any groove. Cowbells can come in many different sizes, and have many different tones.
A bell on the end of the bull rope, used to drag the rope from the bull after the rider dismounts (or is dismounted)
Descended from the Guataca, these instruments include the timbale mounted bells (Mambo, Cha-Cha, Charanga), Campana, Agogo and Comparsa bells. The patterns performed on these bells, when used either alone or simultaneously, make up most of the metallic percussive rhythms of Afro-Cuban popular music.