Somalia is already well-nigh impossible to control by counterterrorist forces.
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Gates expressed skepticism that an exclusively counterterrorist strategy would work.
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But counterterrorist actions have had a wider impact on the Israeli economy.
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We have now in operation, and working, a worldwide counterterrorist network.
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And so counterterrorist investigators went on their highest state of alert.
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The FBI must build a parallel path for counterterrorist operatives.
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If the media is the oxygen of the terrorist, it is also the oxygen of the counterterrorist.
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Some analysts charge these ties render any Pakistani counterterrorist strategy ineffective.
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A show about a counterterrorist unit now hits home in unplanned ways.
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More examples
Counterterror: intended to prevent terrorism; "the government took counterterror measures"
Someone who attempts to prevent terrorism
(COUNTER-TERRORISM) the use of offensive and defensive stratagems, including terror tactics against TERRORISTs, revolutionaries, religious fanatics, and other sociopolitical radicals; also known as ANTI-TERRORISM. ...
(Counterterrorism (CT)) Actions taken directly against terrorist networks and indirectly to influence and render global environments inhospitable to terrorist networks. (JP 3-26, NOV09). Core activity of ARSOF.
(Counterterrorism) The full range of activities directed against terrorism, including preventive, deterrent, response and crisis management efforts.