The angle grinder has large bearings to counter side forces generated during cutting, unlike a power drill, where the force is axial.
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While the best argument for a routine polygraph drill is that it's better than nothing, some skeptics counter that it's actually worse than nothing.
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The drill bit is rotated counter-clockwise and will tend to jam in the damaged head and then turn the screw counter-clockwise, unscrewing it.
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The drill is you order from the bar, a long, crowded counter with taps for draft beer and a whimsical collection of vintage beer taps mounted on the wall behind.
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The drill at Yang Kee is to place your order at the counter, snag one of the multicolored felt flags provided and mark your table by sticking it in the chopsticks holder.
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Taking away tax incentives to drill these shale wells is counter productive to reducing foreign imports and providing Americans with cheap, secure forms of transportation fuel.
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They were joined by police conducting a counter-terrorism drill nearby, who leapt into the water wearing their uniforms and pulled the three passengers to shore.
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This increased sensitivity gained from this drill helps a practitioner attack and counter an opponent's movements precisely, quickly and with the appropriate technique.
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Investigations of the April 20 Deepwater Horizon explosion have revealed rig workers did not react quickly enough to counter a dangerous surge in drill-pipe pressure at BP's doomed Macondo well.