English language

How to pronounce cord grass in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms cordgrass
Type of grass
Has types spartina pectinmata, spartina cynosuroides, freshwater cordgrass, prairie cordgrass, salt reed grass, slough grass

Examples of cord grass

cord grass
As a result, the withering wetlands are covered by dead cattails and cord grass.
From the chron.com
Here, great expanses of Spartina, or cord grass, form the basis of the food chain.
From the sciencedaily.com
The black soil filling the cord-grass flats is no off-the-shelf potting mix.
From the signonsandiego.com
At the Nestor nursery, thousands of cord-grass seedlings have germinated.
From the signonsandiego.com
Surrounding you is pickleweed in the high-tide areas and cord grass in the low-tide sections.
From the sfgate.com
In November, seed collectors took scythes to the nearby Tijuana River estuary to reap cord-grass seeds.
From the signonsandiego.com
Cord grass and pickleweed are plentiful.
From the sfgate.com
One plant that grows right at the water's edge, and provides safe harbor for the endangered light-footed clapper rail, is cord grass.
From the signonsandiego.com
Rescuers crunch through cord grass and seashells before hitting a grabby muck that releases a footstep only after a sucking pop.
From the suntimes.com