English language

How to pronounce cool it in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms calm, calm down, chill out, cool off, settle down, simmer down
Type of change state, turn

Examples of cool it

cool it
Please cool it until you figure out what you are going to do with your marriage.
From the omaha.com
Cool IT announced their new OMNI liqud cooling device today for AMD video cards.
From the techcrunch.com
Inside, the grey of the carpets and walls was so cool it could freeze your eyes.
From the economist.com
People get tattoo because they think they look cool with it, but they are wrong.
From the learning.blogs.nytimes.com
They were always likely to cool on it once they started to pay closer attention.
From the economist.com
It took me back to the first time I caught a puck and how cool I thought it was.
From the post-gazette.com
Rule No. 1 is to leave the leaf litter below the tree to keep it cool and moist.
From the ocregister.com
I mean, we had such a cool summer that it didn't feel like July until September.
From the sacbee.com
Let mixture stand for 5 minutes, whisking occasionally to help it cool slightly.
From the al.com