English language

How to pronounce contraindication in English?

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Type Words
Type of reason
Derivation contraindicate

Examples of contraindication

A contraindication means that there it is absolutely not recommended to breastfeed.
From the independent.co.uk
Localized reactions or contact dermatitis is not a contraindication to the shingles vaccine.
From the jsonline.com
Pregnancy is a relative contraindication to both SCUBA diving and hyperbaric oxygen treatments.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The scar isn't a contraindication to having the exam.
From the stltoday.com
Contraindication means an increased risk may be involved.
From the sciencedaily.com
The FDA proposed a contraindication for use during pregnancy and a warning to women of childbearing age.
From the sfgate.com
Negative effects of synergy are a form of contraindication.
From the en.wikipedia.org
It is not a contraindication giving chemotherapy.
From the abcnews.go.com
Fabricant and colleagues suggest that severe osteoarthritis in the knee may be a contraindication to surgery.
From the sciencedaily.com
More examples
  • (medicine) a reason that makes it inadvisable to prescribe a particular drug or employ a particular procedure or treatment
  • (contraindicate) make a treatment inadvisable
  • A contraindication (pronounced as contra-indication) is a condition or factor that speaks against a certain measure. ...
  • A factor or symptom which makes the prescribed treatment inadvisable
  • (Contraindications) Any symptom or circumstance indicating the inappropriateness of an otherwise advisable treatment (i.e., alcoholism; drug dependency; severe depression; sociopathic (antisocial) personality disorder).
  • (Contra-indications) factors which might make a particular treatment ineffective or dangerous. These could include alcoholism, asthma, depression, pregnancy or serious injury.
  • (Contraindications) 21 CFR 201.57: Those situations in which the drug should not be used because of the risk of use clearly outweighs any possible benefit.
  • (Contraindications) A Detox retreat is not appropriate if you are currently being treated for cancer, or receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or undergoing treatment for a life threatening illness, or if you are an insulin dependant diabetic, or of you have heart problems, or high blood ...
  • (Contraindications) A list of reasons why you cannot use a particular unit. Note: One list may not apply to all machines. Some are safer.