English language

How to pronounce communicable in English?

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Synonyms catching, contagious, contractable, transmissible, transmittable
Type Words

communicable ideas.

Examples of communicable

Any onboard communicable disease incidents must be reported to the CDC, she said.
From the cnn.com
Other communicable diseases, such as influenza, are commonly spread in prisons.
From the sciencedaily.com
Nearly all children are vaccinated against the most common communicable diseases.
From the businessweek.com
I showed the pieces to Melanie Johnson, the minister for communicable diseases.
From the newscientist.com
And if I ever come down with a communicable disease, I know a really good doctor.
From the time.com
It should however stop condoning a diet associated with non-communicable diseases.
From the economist.com
If true, that doesn't mean anything if there was nothing communicable in town.
From the democratandchronicle.com
Varicella is highly communicable, with an infection rate of 90% in close contacts.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Governments also endorsed an action plan to tackle non-communicable diseases.
From the voanews.com
More examples
  • Catching: (of disease) capable of being transmitted by infection
  • Readily communicated; "communicable ideas"
  • Able to be transmitted between people or species; contagious or catching; talkative or expansive; readily communicated
  • (Communicability) the extent to which the benefits of a new product are likely to be noticed and discussed by consumers; a major determinant of the rate of new product adoption.
  • Period of communicability is the time during which an infectious agent may be transferred directly or indirectly from an infected person to another person, from an infected animal to humans, or from an infected person to animals.
  • That which can be transmitted from one person or animal to another. Also known as infectious.
  • Adjective describing a sickness or disease that can be passed from person to person through some type of physical contact; contagious.
  • The difference is communicable and visible to buyers
  • An infectious disease transmitted from human to human.