The one thing that she and others with this strain of salmonella had in common was lettuce.
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Common items then included iceberg lettuce, pickled onions, preserves and black pudding.
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The Cantonese word for lettuce sounds like rising fortune, so it is common to serve lettuce wraps filled with other lucky food.
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In Vietnam it's common practice to use lettuce leaves as wraps for a whole range of ingredients.
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Lettuce is the most common vegetable, prepared by boiling with ginger, coriander and green chillies.
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Its kaleidoscope is populated by minuscule white cryptantha to the saturated hues of the tall Shooting Star to more common wildflowers such as miner's lettuce and monkeyflowers.
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This marvellous dish consists of peas and lettuce sauteed in butter and stock with onions and herbs and it is divine, particularly as cooking lettuce is not common and the result is phenomenal.
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Based on interviews with 22 people who got sick and a control group of 82 healthy people, investigators were able to determine that romaine lettuce was the common denominator in the illnesses.
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The most common sources of vitamin K1 in the diet include leaf lettuce and spinach, with smaller amounts found in other vegetables, vegetable oils and some fruits.