English language

How to pronounce chicken out in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms back down, back off, bow out, pull out
Type of retire, withdraw
Has types resile
Verb group get out, pull out

Examples of chicken out

chicken out
Bite into the tongue-searing crust and an avalanche of diced chicken spills out.
From the theatlantic.com
With slotted spoon, fish out chicken pieces, and transfer to large warm platter.
From the thenewstribune.com
He picked out fried chicken and Hamburger Helper and day-old banana-nut muffins.
From the online.wsj.com
Having already tried out the whole chicken route, I opt for the latter approach.
From the guardian.co.uk
On Sunday, I can spend time cooking, trying out new recipes or roasting chicken.
From the newsobserver.com
It comes with a rather loud chicken timer which clucks when you are out of time.
From the guardian.co.uk
Turns out, the man didn't have chicken in the house, so he'd substituted shrimp.
From the npr.org
To make matters worse, some of the chicken had spoiled and had to be thrown out.
From the latimes.com
Couldn't figure out exactly what it was but the chicken was juicy and delicious.
From the gothamgal.com