Devotees of the old-fashioned and under-threat chequebook have a powerful ally.
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But you need some rules to control cost otherwise it just becomes chequebook racing.
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Before that I remember that my mother still had a chequebook in 1972 or so.
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I contacted you in 2009 because I was having difficulty getting a chequebook from Halifax.
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The most basic account will consist of a chequebook and a pay-in book.
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It would be lovely if chequebook journalism disappeared, and who knows?
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If we see something we like, we will buy it with our own chequebook.
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They have good management in place, a consistent ownership structure and a large chequebook.
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To know that by wielding her own chequebook she can change the world.
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More examples
Checkbook: a book issued to holders of checking accounts
A cheque or check (American English) is a piece of paper (usually) that orders a payment of money. The person writing the cheque, the drawer, usually has a chequing account where their money is deposited. ...
N. book containing detachable cheques
After opening your account you will be provided with a chequebook. You can use your chequebook to withdraw money out of your account by writing a cheque to yourself. However it is easier to use a cash machine to do this. ...