It was a hunk of meat, a 4-ounce portion of charolais tenderloin, sitting upright.
From the
It looks like a charolais cross with a limosin, then again what do I know?
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Charolais breeding bull, Sam lives in a red-carpeted, maple-paneled building, breathes humidity-controlled air.
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Large white or cream-colored breed from France
Charolais cattle are a beef breed of cattle (Bos taurus) which originated in Charolais, around Charolles, in France. They are raised for their meat and are known for their composite qualities when crossed with other breeds, most notably Angus and Hereford cattle. ...
Charolais (also Charollais) is a historic region of France, named after the central town of Charolles, and located in today's Sau00F4ne-et-Loire du00E9partement, in Burgundy.
The Charolais, a very large white or creamy white breed of east-central France, was one of the earliest introduced. Its exceptional growth rate and muscling make it particularly valuable in crossing. Mature bulls average over 1000 kg and cows, 700 kg. A polled strain is being developed.