English language

How to pronounce certainty in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms foregone conclusion, sure thing
Type of quality
Has types unquestionableness, surety, unavoidability, unquestionability, predictability, cert, indisputability, indubitability, slam dunk, ineluctability, inevitability, inevitableness, moral certainty

his victory is a certainty.
Type Words
Type of cognitive state, state of mind
Has types self-assurance, authority, certitude, cocksureness, confidence, overconfidence, reliance, assurance, self-confidence, sureness, trust

his certainty reassured the others.

Examples of certainty

So much is uncertain with the lockout, but in the draft, there is one certainty.
From the bostonherald.com
Nobody can say with any degree of certainty what policy will be on Jan. 1, 2013.
From the forbes.com
Behind the UN's patina of certainty may lie outdated and unreliable census data.
From the newscientist.com
This tourist enclave is a dead certainty for those seeking a top-shelf vacation.
From the nzherald.co.nz
That would at least give the industry certainty about what it must buy and when.
From the economist.com
The certainty of this is what enables the financial system to function properly.
From the curiouscapitalist.blogs.time.com
Range hesitated to conclude with certainty that dogs feel what humans call envy.
From the washingtonpost.com
It's a virtual certainty she'll be nominated again for her work in this picture.
From the thenewstribune.com
It's the certainty that something transforming is taking place inside the gates.
From the ocregister.com
More examples
  • The state of being certain; "his certainty reassured the others"
  • Something that is certain; "his victory is a certainty"
  • An entity included in a sample with certainty has a selection probability of one.
  • For any property R, if the reduced state W assigns probability 1 or probability 0 to R, then R is in the set of all possibly-possessed properties.
  • According to Beccaria, a punishment must be certain to follow from the crime in order to be an effective deterrent. ...
  • 'Certainty' is not defined in information theory. However, Claude Shannon apparently discovered that one can measure uncertainty. By implication, there is no measure for 'certainty'. The best one can have is a decrease of uncertainty, and this is Shannon's information measure. ...
  • The degree to which we are sure that some result is significant; that is, not due to chance. The point of much statistical analysis is to separate out, from the random background noise of chance variation, any effects that are probably produced by other causes. ...
  • Precise knowledge of an economic variable, as opposed to belief that it could take on multiple values. Contrasts with uncertainty. One aspect of complete information.
  • Situation in which there is absolutely no doubt about which event will occur, and there is only one state of nature with 100% probability attached.