English language

How to pronounce cardinality in English?

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Type Words
Type of number

Examples of cardinality

In particular, every uncountable Polish space has the cardinality of the continuum.
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And yet Cantor's diagonal argument shows that real numbers have higher cardinality.
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Any well-ordered set having that ordinal as its order-type has the same cardinality.
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If the axiom of choice holds, the law of trichotomy holds for cardinality.
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Different shapes at the ends of these lines represent the cardinality of the relationship.
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This new cardinal number, called the cardinality of the continuum, was termed by Cantor.
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Since cardinality is such a common concept in mathematics, a variety of names are in use.
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In fact, every topological space is a subspace of a separable space of the same cardinality.
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The cardinality of an ordinal defines a many to one association from ordinals to cardinals.
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More examples
  • (mathematics) the number of elements in a set or group (considered as a property of that grouping)
  • In data modeling, the cardinality of one data table with respect to another data table is a critical aspect of database design. Relationships between data tables define cardinality when explaining how each table links to another.
  • In SQL (Structured Query Language), the term cardinality refers to the uniqueness of data values contained in a particular column (attribute) of a database table. The lower the cardinality, the more duplicated elements in a column. ...
  • Of a set, the number of elements it contains; The property of a relationship between a database table and another one, specifying whether it is one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many
  • The number of elements in the set; intuitively, the set's "size" or "magnitude". Notation: a double bar over the symbol denoting the set; also "|S|" and "card S" when S is the symbol denoting the set.
  • Maybe it means, quanity of numbers in a set/ got to do with math.--Betsyl 01:59, 14 October 2008 (UTC) Def: A principle specifying that the last word in a counting sequence indicates the quanity of items in a set.(Child Development Book -- 21:09, 19 October 2008 (UTC)
  • A constraint on the number of instances of assigned property values associated with an individual data item. A cardinality of 1 indicates exactly one value is required; 0..1 indicates an optional single value; 1..n indicates that one or more values is required; 0.. ...
  • A description of the association between data entities as either mandatory or optional.
  • The number of instances of entity B that can (or must) be associated with each instance of entity A. (10)