English language

How to pronounce carbonise in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms carbonize
Type of turn, change state
Derivation carbon, carbonisation
Type Words
Synonyms carbonize, carburise, carburize
Type of change state, turn
Derivation carbon

Examples of carbonise

Still the opportunity to carbonise some red meat al fresco and drink warm white wine.
From the guardian.co.uk
Climate change will be mitigated by shifting investments to solutions that de-carbonise the entire energy value chain.
From the economist.com
Flame throwers have been used on decking to carbonise the surface while strategically placed mirrors reflect light and space.
From the thisisbristol.co.uk
The rationale changes, however, if the goal is to de-carbonise Australia by switching from coal power to lower-emissions gas and renewable energy.
From the smh.com.au
The grid is set to dramatically de-carbonise in the next decade, unlike our oil supply which is getting more carbon intensive as the easy-to-extract reserves are used up.
From the guardian.co.uk