Torrefaction of reed canary grass, wheat straw and willow to enhance solid fuel qualities and combustion properties.
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As an example, willow was shown to have an 86 per cent energy yield, compared with 77 per cent for wheat straw and 78 per cent for reed canary grass.
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The findings have implications for continued survival and further evolution of grasses, which also include rye, bluegrass, reed canary grass and bamboo.
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Foods taken in preference to others include pine nuts, sweetgum seeds, and the seeds of pokeberry, amaranth, canary grass, corn, sesame, and wheat.
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That is significant because in areas like Teesside, and many similar ones around the country, there are a lot of marginal or brownfield sites on which reed canary grass can be grown.
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The partners have planted native trees and plants, decommissioned an old road along Muck Creek, removed invasive reed canary grass and added logs and stumps to a section of Muck Creek.
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Many reports suggest they become havens for aggressive, invading plants such as reed canary grass, which has already consumed hundreds of thousands of acres in Wisconsin and other states.
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With the return of salt water, invasive canary reed grass is dying.