English language

How to pronounce campy in English?

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Synonyms camp
Derivation camp

campy Hollywood musicals of the 1940's.

Examples of campy

Balderson has made a name for himself with his at times campy and surreal films.
From the kansas.com
When spring arrives in Europe, campy pop and sultry ballads can't be far behind.
From the time.com
They tiptoe the tightrope of campy nostalgia but never quite slip into travesty.
From the kentucky.com
Only the 1966 television series brought a campy element to the superhero story.
From the fresnobee.com
The results are campy in a clever way, often poignant, and highly entertaining.
From the fresnobee.com
Its campy nature and fun cast are what really set the production apart, he added.
From the al.com
On occasion, it's more than a campy treat, although often, that's quite enough.
From the denverpost.com
The 1994 Gravediggaz debut album was morbid, campy and a complete commercial flop.
From the timesunion.com
Combine that with his campy creativity, and you get a unique fashion approach.
From the chron.com
More examples
  • Camp: providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered or banal or sentimental qualities; "they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect"; "campy Hollywood musicals of the 1940's"
  • Camp is an aesthetic sensibility wherein something is appealing because of its bad taste and ironic value. The concept is closely related to kitsch, and things with camp appeal are described as being "campy" or "cheesy". ...
  • Characterized by camp or kitsch, especially when deliberate or intentional
  • Slang for Campagnolo.
  • Too happy to be true, just corny as possible.