The officers can wheel, assist and cajole these suffering people to their cells.
From the
The more you cajole kids to eat something, the less likely they are to like it.
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You should be able to cajole the Dualpix, a USB device, into working on your Mac.
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They cajole our President for having the temerity of having a schedule of his own.
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Lenders cajole, threaten and duke it out in court, sometimes all for the same loan.
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We see the way he could manipulate and cajole, even if it was for the greater good.
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Bob took time off from his auto parts business to catch and coach and cajole.
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He will not find it easy to cajole more countries into a large, broad-based effort.
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He has never learned to twist arms, cajole, negotiate and sustain political support.
From the
More examples
Wheedle: influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering; "He palavered her into going along"
To encourage or persuade by effort; to coax
("Cajoled") Encouragement ,often lengthy, to reassure and steer a pHD in the direction of something that will benefit them.
(v.) to urge, coax (Magda's friends cajoled her into drinking too much.)
To coax, to attempt to persuade by flattery or cunning. I like applying this definition of cajole to the gentle manipulation that we must use to gradually get our parrots used to new situations and objects.