I know my bulimia could have spiralled out of control, but it didn't thankfully.
From the mirror.co.uk
He has suffered from bulimia and attempted suicide at the height of his success.
From the independent.co.uk
I know and have worked with many women who have entirely recovered from bulimia.
From the blogs.psychcentral.com
Pippa struggled with anorexia and bulimia, and has been recovered for six years.
From the blogs.psychcentral.com
Its characters included those with bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating disorder.
From the en.wikipedia.org
At the same time, her brother became obese and her sister struggled with bulimia.
From the ocregister.com
I can now see that restricting ourselves of food and love is what causes bulimia.
From the blogs.psychcentral.com
Her parents said her bulimia was caused by taunts from her peers over her weight.
From the metro.co.uk
He suffered from alcoholism and bulimia and flew into frequent, irrational rages.
From the time.com
More examples
A disorder of eating seen among young women who go on eating binges and then feel guilt and depression and self-condemnation
Pathologically insatiable hunger (especially when caused by brain lesions)
(bulimic) suffering from bulimia
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent binge eating, followed by compensatory behaviors. The most common form is defensive vomiting, sometimes called purging; fasting, the use of laxatives, enemas, diuretics, and over exercising are also common.
The chronic eating disorder bulimia nervosa
A disorder characterized by bingeing (episodes of eating large amounts of food) and purging (getting rid of the food by vomiting or using laxatives). Also called bulimia nervosa.
Bulimia is an illness in which a person binges on food or has regular episodes of significant overeating and feels a loss of control. The affected person then uses various methods -- such as vomiting or laxative abuse -- to prevent weight gain.
Excessive and insatiable appetite for food.
An eating disorder characterized by recurrent cycles of binge eating followed by episodes of purging. The individual suffers from persistent over-concern with body image and weight but lacks the body image distortion and degree of weight loss experienced by the person with anorexia nervosa.