Brogan also delved into the history of the First District of Williamson County.
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Brogan Fischer pitched the first nine innings for Marquette, allowing three runs.
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Brogan says the hope is that they will share the stage at some point in the night.
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Brogan points to the need for a clear government response to the challenges ahead.
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Brogan, who is the academy's official photographer, added she was surprised to win.
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Brogan and the other two founders were veterans of Philips Electronics and Motorola.
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Brogan said he is confident the vehicles will reach the right balance.
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Brogan and Heffer are not known to be members of each others'fan clubs.
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Brogan was reelected to a second term in 2002 with Bush and then resigned in March 2003.
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More examples
A thick and heavy shoe
Brogan or O'Brogan, is a surname originating in Ireland, anglicized from the original u00D3 Bru00F3gu00E1in. The form McBrogan, is also present sharing the meaning of O'Brogan, essentially "son of Brogan." The name can be traced back to Saint Brogan (Broccu00E1n Clu00F3en), Saint Patrick's nephew and scribe, and has many original meanings, including sorrowful, sharp-faced, sturdy and strong.
Brogan a term generally applied to any heavy, ankle-high shoe or boot, more specifically, any such boot worn by a soldier in at least the American Revolutionary War and the American Civil War. ...
(brogans) a heavy work shoe, fitting high on the ankle.
(Brogans) low quarter shoes that are period-appropriate for the Civil War, particularly common with enlisted soldiers.