English language

How to pronounce break in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms break of serve
Type of score

he was up two breaks in the second set.
Type Words
Synonyms fracture
Type of harm, injury, trauma, hurt
Has types compound fracture, impacted fracture, simple fracture, stress fracture, hairline fracture, fatigue fracture, displaced fracture, depressed fracture, compression fracture, complete fracture, comminuted fracture, closed fracture, capillary fracture, open fracture, incomplete fracture

the break seems to have been caused by a fall.
Type Words
Synonyms break in
Type of intrude, trespass
Has types crack
Type Words
Synonyms get around, get out
Has types leak, leak out
Verb group give away, disclose, discover, let out, let on, divulge, reveal, bring out, expose, unwrap, uncover
Type Words
Synonyms go against, violate
Has types fly in the teeth of, fly in the face of
Type Words
Synonyms disruption, gap, interruption
Type of delay, holdup
Has types breaking off, barracking, cut-in, abruption, heckling, insert, interjection, interpellation, interpolation, interposition

it was presented without commercial breaks.
Type Words
Synonyms damp, dampen, soften, weaken
Type of blunt, deaden
Has types dampen, deaden, deafen, damp

break a fall.
Type Words
Synonyms breakout, gaolbreak, jailbreak, prison-breaking, prisonbreak
Type of flight, escape

the breakout was carefully planned.
Type Words
Synonyms break away
Type of separate, part, split, split up, break up
Type Words
Synonyms burst, erupt
Type of express feelings, express emotion

break into tears.
Type Words
Synonyms open frame
Type of score

the break in the eighth frame cost him the match.
Type Words
Synonyms bust, fall apart, wear, wear out
Type of crumble, dilapidate, decay
Has types frazzle, fray
Verb group bust
Derivation breakable
Type Words
Synonyms bust
Type of ruin, destroy
Has types break down
Verb group wear out, wear, fall apart, bust
Derivation breakable, breakage
Type Words
Synonyms breach, go against, infract, offend, transgress, violate
Type of disrespect
Has types trespass, sin, contravene, transgress, conflict, drop the ball, run afoul, intrude, infringe, goof, blunder, boob

break a law.
break a promise.
Type Words
Synonyms check, crack
Type of change
Has types crack
Verb group crack, chink, check
Derivation breakable
Type Words
Synonyms break-dance, break dance
Type of trip the light fantastic toe, trip the light fantastic, dance

Kids were break-dancing at the street corner.
Type Words
Synonyms break off, discontinue, stop
Type of end, terminate
Has types disrupt, bog, cut off, interrupt, fracture, bog down, break up

break off the negotiations.
Type Words
Synonyms come apart, fall apart, separate, split up
Type of change integrity
Has types smash, split, snap, run, puncture, ladder, fragmentize, fragmentise, fragment, break open, break up, burst, bust, crack, crush
Derivation breakable
Type Words
Synonyms bring out, disclose, discover, divulge, expose, give away, let on, let out, reveal, uncover, unwrap
Type of tell
Has types betray, tattle, talk, confide, spill the beans, come out of the closet, sing, come out, reveal, peach, blow, out, blackwash, muckrake, let the cat out of the bag, blab out, blab, bewray, leak, babble, babble out, spring
Verb group get out, get around
Type Words
Synonyms interrupt
Type of end, terminate
Has types break short, suspend, freeze, hold on, cut short, break off, stop

break a lucky streak.
break the cycle of poverty.
Type Words
Synonyms better
Type of exceed, surmount, surpass, outstrip, outperform, outmatch, outgo, outdo

break a record.
Type Words
Synonyms break up, part, separate, split, split up
Has types give the axe, break apart, break away, break with, split up, splinter, divorce, disunite, disunify, dissociate, disjoint, disassociate, secede, give the gate, give the bounce
Type Words
Synonyms breakage, breaking
Type of change of integrity
Has types splintering, cracking, crack, fracture, rupture, chipping, chip, shattering, smashing

the breakage was unavoidable.
Type Words
Synonyms develop, recrudesce
Type of go on, fall out, take place, come about, pass off, pass, occur, happen, hap
Verb group develop
Type Words
Synonyms cave in, collapse, fall in, founder, give, give way
Type of change
Has types crumple, implode, buckle, slide down, flop, sink, slump, go off
Verb group collapse, burst, give up, abandon
Type Words
Synonyms recess, respite, time out
Type of pause
Has types spring break

we took a 10-minute break.
Type Words
Synonyms break down, conk out, die, fail, give out, give way, go, go bad
Type of change
Has types burn out, malfunction, misfire, misfunction, go down, blow, blow out, crash
Verb group conk, drop dead, choke, exit, decease, expire, croak, kick the bucket, buy the farm, cash in one's chips, go, snuff it, pass, pass away, perish, die, give-up the ghost, pop off
Derivation breakable
Type Words
Synonyms fracture
Type of wound, injure
Verb group fracture
Type Words
Synonyms bankrupt, ruin, smash
Type of impoverish

My daughter's fancy wedding is going to break me!.
Type Words
Synonyms bump, demote, kick downstairs, relegate
Type of delegate, assign, designate, depute
Has types sideline, reduce
Type Words
Synonyms fault, faulting, fracture, geological fault, shift
Type of crevice, scissure, cleft, crack, fissure
Has types strike-slip fault, inclined fault
Type Words
Synonyms break off, snap off
Type of detach
Derivation breaker, breakable, breakage

break a branch from a tree.
Type Words
Synonyms break in
Type of reclaim, domesticize, domesticate, domesticise, tame

The horse was tough to break.
Type Words
Synonyms intermission, interruption, pause, suspension
Type of time interval, interval
Has types rest period, dead air, delay, caesura, blackout, wait, time lag, letup, time-out, halftime, lull, hold, rest, respite, relief, postponement, lapse
Type Words
Synonyms break away, break out
Type of break loose, escape, get away

Nobody can break out--this prison is high security.
Type Words
Synonyms breach, falling out, rift, rupture, severance
Type of separation, detachment, breakup
Has types schism

they hoped to avoid a break in relations.
Type Words
Synonyms interruption
Type of occurrence, happening, natural event, occurrent
Has types occultation, disruption, hiatus, dislocation, suspension, eclipse, reprieve, abatement, respite, punctuation

there was a break in the action when a player was hurt.
Type Words
Synonyms break up
Type of modify, alter, change
Derivation breakable

The book dealer would not break the set.
Type Words
Synonyms intermit, pause
Type of interrupt, break up, cut off, disrupt
Has types take five, catch one's breath, breathe, take a breather, rest, take ten

let's break for lunch.
Type Words
Synonyms good luck, happy chance
Type of accident, stroke, fortuity, chance event

he finally got his big break.
Type Words
Type of modification, alteration, change

then there was a break in her voice.
Type Words
Type of sprint, dash
Has types fast break

he made a break for the open door.
Type Words
Type of change
Verb group break in

If the new teacher won't break, we'll add some stress.
Type Words
Type Words
Type of ruin

This play will either make or break the playwright.
Type Words
Type Words
Type of switch, shift, change
Type Words
Type of shift, switch, change
Type Words
Type of emerge, come forth
Type Words
Type of become, get, go
Type Words
Type of end, cease, stop, terminate, finish
Type Words
Type of change state, turn

his voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir.
Type Words
Type of give way, give, cave in, fall in, collapse, founder
Derivation breaker
Type Words
Type of divide, separate
Has types break in, shatter, smash, fracture, dash
Verb group come apart, fall apart, split up, separate
Derivation breakage, breakable, breaker
Type Words
Type of fall, diminish, decrease, lessen
Type Words
Type of appear
Type Words
Type of convert, exchange, change, commute
Verb group break up

I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy.
Type Words
Type of lessen, decrease, fall, diminish
Type Words
Type of destroy, ruin

break an alibi.
break down a proof.
Type Words
Type of solve, puzzle out, work out, figure out, work, lick

break the code.
Type Words
Type of discontinue, quit, give up, lay off, stop, cease

break cigarette smoking.
Type Words
Type of fall out, happen, pass off, occur, come about, pass, take place, go on, hap

Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months.
Type Words
Type of interrupt, cut off, disrupt, break up
Derivation breaker

break a circuit.
Type Words
Type of avoid, quash, void, annul, nullify, invalidate
Type Words
Type of take flight, flee, fly
Verb group break away, break out
Type Words
Type of shoot
Type Words
Type of perforate, penetrate
Type Words
Type of damage
Verb group fail, give way, give out, die, go, go bad, conk out, break down
Derivation breakage
Type Words
Type of disperse, dissipate, spread out, scatter
Type Words
Type of divide, separate, part, disunite
Type Words
Type of breakup, separation, detachment
Has types snap

the break in the dam threatened the valley.
Type Words
Type of stroke, shot
Type Words
Type of diphthongise, diphthongize
Type Words
Type of vary, change, alter
Type Words
Type of weaken

Examples of break

She can get it done on the glass and has enough handles to get out on the break.
From the stltoday.com
If a person ignores stress fractures, the bone can develop a full-fledged break.
From the stltoday.com
The Mets are 5-for-36 with runners in scoring position since the All-Star break.
From the newsday.com
Trailing 56-43 at the break, the Cavaliers got a boost from Harris in the third.
From the sacbee.com
It came during college spring break, the craziest time for Daytona Beach hotels.
From the orlandosentinel.com
Although he finished with 17 home runs, he batted .192 after the all-star break.
From the denverpost.com
Connelly is skilled with the ball in his hands and can break a press by himself.
From the stltoday.com
However, the chemicals didn't appear to break the oil apart as fast as promised.
From the online.wsj.com
To break through, Apple will have to strike landmark deals with media companies.
From the online.wsj.com
More examples
  • Interrupt: terminate; "She interrupted her pregnancy"; "break a lucky streak"; "break the cycle of poverty"
  • Interruption: some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity; "the telephone is an annoying interruption"; "there was a break in the action when a player was hurt"
  • Become separated into pieces or fragments; "The figurine broke"; "The freshly baked loaf fell apart"
  • An unexpected piece of good luck; "he finally got his big break"
  • Fault: (geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other; "they built it right over a geological fault"; "he studied the faulting of the earth's crust"
  • Render inoperable or ineffective; "You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart!"
  • Break may refer to:
  • Break is the third episode of the third series of British television sitcom, Bottom. It was first broadcast on January 20th, 1995.
  • Break is the fourth studio album by the American progressive rock band Enchant. It was released 1998.