Here are some simple ideas for brown-bagging it without hitting up the breadbox.
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Smartphones are slowly taking over for almost every device smaller than a breadbox.
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When I edited my first film, an 80GB hard drive was the size of a breadbox.
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Brennan said the devices were in packages about the size of a breadbox.
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A one-volume encyclopedia should be bigger than a breadbox and smaller than the British Museum.
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The simplest batch solar system is called a breadbox design.
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They squeezed inside the breadbox and went after a baguette.
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So it just sits next to the solar breadbox water heater.
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The notion of cooperative artisan bakeries sounds quaint, but the group is thinking beyond the breadbox.
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More examples
Bread-bin: a container used to keep bread or cake in
A breadbox (chiefly American) or a bread bin (chiefly British) is a container for storing bread and other baked goods to keep them fresh. They were a more common household kitchen item until bread started being made commercially with food preservatives and wrapped in plastic. ...