English language

How to pronounce breadboard in English?

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Synonyms bread board
Type of board

Examples of breadboard

Throw in a breadboard, some wheels, and a chassis, and you're cookin'with robot.
From the techcrunch.com
Was the breadboard system refined to more nearly match the expected system goals?
From the en.wikipedia.org
I like those ones that have the lid that acts as a breadboard too.
From the guardian.co.uk
Provide an estimate of how breadboard hardware and test results differ from the expected system goals.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Fidelity of breadboard technology increases significantly.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Someone at Sanyo must have seen your article because the breadboard is no longer marked as Y2K compliant.
From the newscientist.com
Integrated tool for breadboard, schematic, and PCB design.
From the en.wikipedia.org
By using a unique play dough, electronic circuits can be made without fiddly tools like a soldering iron or a breadboard.
From the newscientist.com
One of his first successes was to combine an entire breadboard of components into a single chip, known as the TIA.
From the en.wikipedia.org
More examples
  • A wooden or plastic board on which dough is kneaded or bread is sliced
  • A breadboard (protoboard) is a construction base for a one-of-a-kind electronic circuit, a prototype. In modern times the term is commonly used to refer to a particular type of breadboard, the solderless breadboard (plugboard).
  • A cutting board, especially for cutting bread; A pull-out cutting board underneath a counter, found in many kitchens; A reusable solderless device used to build a (usually temporary) prototype of an electronic circuit and for experimenting with circuit designs
  • (Breadboarding) The creation of an experimental device to determine the feasibility of an idea or a design and to develop it technically far enough to demonstrate the usefulness of the approach.
  • A board used to make temporary circuits. The breadboard has metal-lined sockets for connecting electronic components in a test circuit.
  • The phase of a project where the initial hardware is built, usually not form-factored. In microwaves, sometimes "brassboard" is used, because hardware often involves machined housings.
  • A low fidelity unit that demonstrates function only, without respect to form or fit in the case of hardware, or platform in the case of software. It often uses commercial and/or ad hoc components and is not intended to provide definitive information regarding operational performance.
  • A circuit board that is made by hand, usually in building a prototype.