After retuning from dinner I locked my bike with a brake disk lock.
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Belgian Maarten Cremers finished one place further back after smashing front brake disk and suffering the misfortune of a holed radiator.
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The more tightly the grip is clenched, the harder the disk brake on the front wheel works.
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The material thrown away from the star in the jets acts as a brake on disk, slowing its rotation and allowing more material to fall into the growing star.
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The receiver forwards the signal to an actuator, transforming the radio signal into the mechanical power by which the disk brake is activated.
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But there's often a push-button starter, a hydraulic disk brake, and a tiny onboard computer that measures everything from average speed to G-force.
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Torx screws are commonly found on automobiles, motorcycles, bicycle brake systems, hard disk drives, computer systems and consumer electronics.
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The drag is made smooth by a graphite-impregnated cork disk, which acts like a brake pad, slowing it down without locking.
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The friction from the clutch helps brake the vehicle, just as the magnetic strands originating from the outer gaseous disk tighten around the black hole, creating friction and slowing its spin.