The bookclub will also host meetings the second Tuesday of each month.
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Moni3 has been recently named hottest delegate to Obama's bookclub but that may not be official yet.
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Enthused by this I've got the next two bookclub books already bought and in a collection waiting to be read the same way.
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The book was an international bestseller when it was published in 2003, and its success in the UK was fuelled by it being included in the Richard and Judy TV bookclub.
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This is a program designed for young women to learn the tools and the talk of personal finance in a bookclub-like setup from their own homes, surrounded by friends.
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His first novel, which has earned $1.4 million in paperback, movie, bookclub and other sales, is the nastiest assault on West Point since Benedict Arnold tried to hand over its plans to the British.
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More examples
A club that people join in order to buy selected books at reduced prices
Bookclub is a monthly programme, hosted by Jim Naughtie and broadcast on BBC Radio 4. Each month a novel is selected, and its author invited to discuss it. ...