Been a fan for 35 years but bollocks to it, I'm done with F1 and the little shit.
From the
The last thing the people suffering here need is bollocks like this being spread.
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Arsenal fans were sold a load of bollocks by the club to justify Ashburton Grove.
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You may well be able to talk all day about this stuff but sadly its all bollocks.
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When it was clearly bollocks given that people in such senior posts state this.
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Its not a disaster by any means but its a forceful kick in the bollocks for us.
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Bollocks, says Australia's chief warrior against weasel words, author Don Watson.
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It's all bollocks, of course, and disgusting, but I've come to expect no less.
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Then you know how rational people feel when reading bollocks from climate deniers.
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More examples
Botch: make a mess of, destroy or ruin; "I botched the dinner and we had to eat out"; "the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement"
(bollock) testis: one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens; "she kicked him in the balls and got away"
(bollock) a pulley-block at the head of a topmast
The testicles (sometimes used in the singular); Nonsense or information deliberately intended to mislead; An idiot, an ignorant or disagreeable person; A contraction of the dog's bollocks; To break; To fail (a task); to make a mess of; Expressing anger, frustration, etc
(bollock) A testicle; To reprimand severely and grossly
("Bollocked") can describe the period during which a painful, sometimes crippling sensation is experienced by virtue of the testicles being physically assaulted, for instance by a football. Usage: "The ball caught me right up the nads and I was bollocked for a good 5 minutes".
A vulgar slang exclamation expressing anger, disbelief, etc.
Testes or testicles; also, an exclamation or mild oath, typically in acclamation or approbation
Retort to an obvious attempt at deception: equivalent of bulldust.