In state visits like this, most of the speeches consist of cautious boilerplate.
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The plot has to make to do with baser material, standard Hollywood boilerplate.
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Do we have the boilerplate that's going to be delivered to user talk pages yet?
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It could alert both parties that phony boilerplate talking points won't cut it.
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But their performances can't save Safe House from its boilerplate-thriller bones.
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The filmmakers say that's a boilerplate message, and aren't ceding any ground.
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He had the customary required, boilerplate documents such as termite letters.
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I would love to see villains motivated by less boilerplate, more surprising things.
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You can also ask for permission using the boilerplate request for permission.
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More examples
Standard formulations uniformly found in certain types of legal documents or news stories
Thick plate iron used in the production of boilers
Boilerplate is a fictional robot of the Victorian era and early 20th century, created in 2000 by Portland, Oregon artist Paul Guinan. Originally intended for comics, the character became known via a faux-historical website created by Guinan, and has since appeared in other media.
The term boilerplate in rocketry refers to a nonfunctional craft, system, or payload which is used to test various configurations and basic size, load, and handling characteristics. ...
Boilerplate is any text that is or can be reused in new contexts or applications without being changed much from the original. Many computer programmers often use the term boilerplate code. A legal boilerplate is a standard provision in a contract. ...
A sheet of steel used in the construction of a boiler; Standard text or program code used routinely and added with a text editor or word processor; text of a legal or official nature added to documents or labels; Describing text of a standard or routine nature; Used to describe a non-functional ...
Form language used in deeds, mortgages and other documents. Details can be added by individual parties.
A standard publishing contract, with no changes or addenda made by the writer or agent. The boilerplate should be considered a starting point only; usually changes will be made.
A standard clause taken from another agreement or from a form book.