It is true that microscopic particles of polyethylene now bob around the high seas.
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The weaker your neck, the more likely your head will bob around on impact.
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Barefoot, they weave and bob around like sisters at a revival meeting.
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Scores of purple starfish bob around in the water, while mosses and mussels compete for space above.
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It's nice and warm, and I just love to float on my back and then bob around, kicking my feet up and down.
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Out in the deep water, advanced surfers bob around on the swell, lying in wait for the perfect curl.
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In this series, you can see the tiger's head bob around as it looks for the strange flashing light.
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So, as long as it did not seem destined to bob around the Oval Office, what better place for it than television?
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Powered by heat from the decay of an onboard plutonium supply, the probe would bob around the lake's surface and make measurements for about three months.