English language

How to pronounce blood disorder in English?

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Synonyms blood disease
Type of blood dyscrasia
Has types acidemia, afibrinogenemia, agranulocytosis, agranulosis, alkalemia, anaemia, analbuminemia, anemia, banti's disease, banti's syndrome, bleeder's disease, blood poisoning, cytopenia, erythroblastosis, granulocytopenia, haemoglobinopathy, haemophilia, hemoglobinopathy, hemophilia, histiocytosis, hydremia, hypervolaemia, hypervolemia, hypothrombinemia, hypovolaemia, hypovolemia, leucocytosis, leucopenia, leukocytosis, leukopenia, lymphocytopenia, lymphocytosis, lymphopenia, microcytosis, parasitaemia, parasitemia, peliosis, polycythemia, purpura, septicaemia, septicemia, thrombocytopenia, thrombopenia, uratemia, acanthocytosis, uricaciduria

Examples of blood disorder

blood disorder
Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects red blood cells.
From the sciencedaily.com
My patient, a middle-aged woman, had been admitted because of a blood disorder.
From the well.blogs.nytimes.com
The mutation causes the painful blood disorder but also protects against malaria.
From the nature.com
Alta Christiano has been scratched at the Wairio meeting due to a blood disorder.
From the nzherald.co.nz
In mid-March, Keeth contracted a rare blood disorder while fencing in Algeria.
From the time.com
The drug makers settled a patent dispute over the blood disorder drug Soliris.
From the investors.com
Harriett had been struggling with a blood disorder that would ultimately kill her.
From the heraldtribune.com
When Jeff and I had a child, I got critically ill with a rare blood disorder.
From the nytimes.com
Their marketed product is for the treatment of a rare genetic blood disorder.
From the jobview.monster.com