There are multiple reasons for the decline or collapse of bloater chubs.
From the
She also suggests trying herring, pilchards, kippers and bloater as a tasty alternative.
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If that isn't aerobic exercise then I'm a bloater.
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Where does it get you, exactly, to say that Jim Morrison was an alcoholic bloater who wasn't really a shaman?
From the
A kipper is a split and smoked herring, a bloater is a whole smoked herring and a buckling is a hot smoked herring with the guts removed.
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More examples
Large fatty herring lightly salted and briefly smoked
Bloaters are a type of smoked herring. They are differentiated from the kippers by the fact that fish is smoked whole, with its innards intact. The bloater is associated with Great Yarmouth, England; the kipper with Scotland. ...