English language

How to pronounce black locust in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms robinia pseudoacacia, yellow locust
Type of locust tree, locust
Type Words
Type of wood

Examples of black locust

black locust
He makes most of his calls from persimmon, walnut, black locust, and bois d'arc.
From the al.com
Farmers prize black locust fence posts for their rot resistance and longevity.
From the post-gazette.com
Fomitella fraxinea, a wood-rotting mushroom seen mostly on black locust tree stumps.
From the sciencedaily.com
Rather than treated lumber, if you wish to use wood, try red cedar, black locust or redwood.
From the chron.com
Black locust is native to the United States but not to this area.
From the timesunion.com
There is also hawthorn, crab apple, black locust and black cherry.
From the post-gazette.com
There, under a towering black locust tree beside North Hall, Muir took his first botany lesson.
From the en.wikipedia.org
In Central Park, Chaya points to a 75-year-old black locust.
From the npr.org
Trees with light-colored wood such as pine, maple and birch decay more quickly than oak, cedar and black locust.
From the newsobserver.com