English language

How to pronounce bicycle wheel in English?

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Examples of bicycle wheel

bicycle wheel
A man repairs a bicycle wheel in his shop in Bayamo, Cuba, Friday Oct. 22, 2010.
From the kansas.com
One of the desserts, Paris Brest isthe chef's favorite, resembling a bicycle wheel.
From the theepochtimes.com
A bicycle wheel with just three spokes will make its professional debut this spring.
From the newscientist.com
In contrast, Mahawili's design looks like a giant bicycle wheel with 20 nylon spokes.
From the businessweek.com
Groomed intermediate trails spread out before you like the spokes on a bicycle wheel.
From the kentucky.com
Dadaist Marcel Du-champ set a bicycle wheel atop a stool in 1913 and called it Mobile.
From the time.com
Her grandson had caught his leg in a bicycle wheel, and her dog had a bladder infection.
From the nytimes.com
A common style is the one that looks like a bicycle wheel with spokes.
From the timesunion.com
We have nothing as artistically central as Marcel Duchamp's ready-made of a bicycle wheel.
From the latimes.com