English language

How to pronounce bias in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms preconception, prejudice
Type of partisanship, partiality
Has types islamophobia, racism, taboo, tabu, tendentiousness, experimenter bias, homophobia, irrational hostility
Type Words
Synonyms diagonal
Type of straight line
Type Words
Synonyms predetermine
Type of prepossess, prejudice
Has types slant, weight, angle
Type Words
Type of prepossess, prejudice
Has types handicap

you are biasing my choice by telling me yours.
Type Words

a bias fold.

Examples of bias

We had to do a randomized trial to make sure there wasn't any bias in the study.
From the latimes.com
Second, brand design firms have an institutionalized bias in favor of redesigns.
From the forbes.com
Comment by comment, kid by kid, strand your mother on her little island of bias.
From the sacbee.com
So once in a while it has a large-cap bias relative to the cap weighted indexes.
From the forbes.com
Partisan supporters of other contestants claimed home-island bias by the judges.
From the sfgate.com
So, Ah Beng, I believe it is really the Right who have a conformation bias here.
From the economist.com
It also reflects their bias against the lower and middle classes of our country.
From the dailyherald.com
We've got to be careful what we read because we need to see the bias and agenda.
From the newscientist.com
Such glaring, self-interested bias naturally merits an examination of the facts.
From the infowars.com
More examples
  • Slanting diagonally across the grain of a fabric; "a bias fold"
  • A partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
  • Influence in an unfair way; "you are biasing my choice by telling me yours"
  • Cause to be biased
  • Diagonal: a line or cut across a fabric that is not at right angles to a side of the fabric
  • (biased) favoring one person or side over another; "a biased account of the trial"; "a decision that was partial to the defendant"
  • In statistics, bias is systematic favoritism that is present in the data collection process resulting in misleading results. There are several types of statistical bias: *Selection bias, where there is an error in choosing the individuals or groups to take part in a scientific study. ...
  • BIAS (originally known as Berkley Integrated Audio Software) is a privately held corporation based in Petaluma, California.
  • Biasing in electronics is the method of establishing predetermined voltages and/or currents at various points of an electronic circuit to set an appropriate operating point. ...