A besom pocket is a pocket cut into a garment instead of being sewn on.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Another sustainable gardener's tool finding a modern market is the traditional besom broom.
From the telegraph.co.uk
Suddenly, something lashed at the squadron as if with a broad besom.
From the washingtonpost.com
Hazel and silver birch besom broom, handmade from the woods of south Oxfordshire by Mark Cottrell.
From the telegraph.co.uk
Prior to the 1950's Tadley was a tiny village who's main selling point was the making of besom brooms.
From the guardian.co.uk
Besom pockets are found on a tuxedo jacket or trousers and may be accented with a flap or button closure.
From the en.wikipedia.org
More examples
A broom made of twigs tied together on a long handle
Besom brooms are traditionally constructed brooms made of a bundle of twigs tied to a stouter pole. They are still made today and sold at garden centers as an outdoor broom. They are the broom traditionally associated with witches. ...
(Besoms) Brushes used in Curling to smooth the ice ahead of the stone.
(besoms) brooms; bundles of twigs
A broom often used by Wiccans or other Neopagans to purify a circle or other sacred area before a ritual is conducted.
A Witch's broom usually made from birch and willow used to purify spaces.
Besom, 1. A bundle of rods or twigs used for birching. 2. An implement for sweeping, usually a bunch of broom, tied round a handle; a broom. [Also (Scottish), a low woman!!]
[Is.14: 23] A broom or brush made of twigs for sweeping.
"bay-shum" The witches' broomstick. European folklore tells of witches riding their brooms through the sky which may be an uninformed explanation of astral projection. As a tool the broom is used to sweep a sacred area, ground a circle, or to brush away negative influences.