In the caption I mention Atomville, his futuristic design for a city that would be built belowground.
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The study considers the impact of an increase in organic matter on the ground on processes belowground.
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Then the whole apparatus would be buried belowground.
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Seeplines form where water has flowed belowground through sandy, porous soil and backs up at areas rich in clay.
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Sweetgums appear to have larger turnover of roots, investing more carbon in belowground structures than evergreens, like pines, do.
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Moreover, the diffusing properties of caryophyllene make it an ideal belowground signal that could also serve to protect other crop plants.
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This is the first instance where researchers demonstrated that a plant's response to an aboveground cue is dependent upon the presence of a belowground cue.
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In the December issue of BioScience researchers describe how aboveground and belowground responses to springtime warming are becoming separated in time in a forest in New England.
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Additionally, more precise studies of roots will help researchers effectively model roots and be able to better predict what role they will play in nutrient cycling and storing carbon belowground.
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More examples
Under the level of the ground; "belowground storage areas"; "underground caverns"
Refers to belowground material, that is, pools that are in the simulation depth of the soil as well as mineralized nutrient pools in the soil below the simulation depth.