He submits to the Ludovico Technique, a behavioristic barrage of electric impulses and motion-picture film that cripples him with nausea at the mere thought of sex or violence.
From the time.com
More examples
Of or relating to behaviorism; "behavioristic psychology"
(Behaviorism) The study of behavior, especially using operant conditioning.
(behaviorism) A theory suggesting that learning occurs when an environmental stimulus triggers a response or behavior. Based on classical conditioning theory, behaviorism applies to educational practices that reward performance behaviors to encourage repetition of those behaviors. ...
(BEHAVIORISM) Theory of learning that stresses the importance of having a particular form of behavior reinforced by someone, other than the student, to shape or control what is learned.
(Behaviorism) A physicalist view that mental properties could be identified with behaviour or tendencies to act in certain ways under certain conditions. Three forms of behaviourism may be identified-ontological, logical and methodological. ...
(Behaviorism) A psychological theory that regards actions as the consequence of measurable, conscious factors (e.g., conflict, conditioning, stimuli, reward systems).
(Behaviorism) A sociological school which asserts that human minds are not capable of making rational choices. It studies human action according to the methods of animal and infant psychology. ...
(Behaviorism) A theory that argues that pattern behavior is not biologically determined, but learned.
(Behaviorism) Show me. If you can't show me a change in behavior, nothing was learned. A vital aspect of rat-maze psychology.