The faults were reversed and the granites from the batholith became elevated.
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Dacites and andesites were erupted above an evolving batholith in the first interval.
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A batholith is formed when many plutons converge to form a huge expanse of granitic rock.
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They are all composed of granite rock of early Permian age, an exposed part of the Cornubian batholith.
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A contact aureole of 2.5 km thickness surrounds the batholith in the form of albiteepidotehornfels.
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The batholith magma intruded into the pre-existing micaschist rocks during the Precambrian period about 1.6 billion years ago.
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The batholith was largely crystallised before emplacement, and made space for intrusion by displacement rather than dissolution.
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Towards the end of the orogeny the emplacement of a large batholith of granite occurred below what is now Devon and Cornwall.
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The Geology of Cornwall is dominated by its granite backbone, part of the Cornubian batholith, formed during the Variscan orogeny.
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More examples
Large mass of intrusive igneous rock believed to have solidified deep within the earth
(batholithic) of or relating to a batholith
A batholith (from Greek bathos, depth + lithos, rock) is a large emplacement of igneous intrusive (also called plutonic) rock that forms from cooled magma deep in the earth's crust. ...
A massive intrusive volcanic feature. Magma forces its way into the crust but becomes trapped and solidifies into rock e.g. granite.
A very large body of igneous rock, usually granite, that has been exposed by erosion of the overlying rock.
A large, generally discordant (contact not parallel to bedding of country rock) mass of igneous rock formed at great depths that has more than 40 square miles (100 km2) of surface exposure and no known floor. Source: Katie KellerLynn
An exposed, irregular mass of igneous rock greater than 100 kms2 in total area and composed of individual plutons.
A large intrusive plutonic rock body, larger than 402 km surface exposure.
A massive, discordant pluton greater than 100 km^2 (36 mi^2) in area.