English language

How to pronounce bank withdrawal in English?

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Type of withdrawal
Has types bank run

Examples of bank withdrawal

bank withdrawal
Oh, and I'm supposed to send a copy of my bank withdrawal slip to him also.
From the suntimes.com
In a separate allegation, Fabian described the bank withdrawal.
From the washingtonpost.com
In addition to the currency restrictions, there was also a bank withdrawal restriction in place.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The young woman who got the call from the bank about her dad's $10,000 withdrawal?
From the forbes.com
It was the teller at the bank who had performed my withdrawal transaction.
From the post-gazette.com
The man was arrested when he returned to the bank to make a withdrawal.
From the newsobserver.com
By leaving soldiers in the west bank after any withdrawal, Israel might hope to guarantee security on its eastern border.
From the time.com
There's the bank statement that shows the big withdrawal she made to cover the car repair.
From the dailyherald.com
That withdrawal from Bryant's bank was perfect timing.
From the dailynews.com