English language

How to pronounce balderdash in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms fiddle-faddle, piffle
Type of bunk, hokum, meaninglessness, nonsense, nonsensicality

Examples of balderdash

While all that might sound like fun, it is of course a load of utter balderdash.
From the metro.co.uk
Thank goodness it's not impenetrable balderdash, then, says fan Nicholas Lezard.
From the guardian.co.uk
Balderdash and Piffle is also the name given to two books written by Alex Games.
From the en.wikipedia.org
This is all absolute bunkum, balderdash, tommyrot and hosgwash though isn't it?
From the guardian.co.uk
That doesn't seem logical, it seems pat, odd and, frankly, made-up balderdash.
From the guardian.co.uk
Even as a youth of 5, I knew what I was hearing from the pulpit was so much balderdash.
From the latimes.com
It's balderdash since he avoids delivering any figures, so for example what will it cost.
From the guardian.co.uk
Furiously brushing his incisors, he delivers a heated aria of self-justifying balderdash.
From the sacbee.com
Balderdash, feed thy unborn child with rubbish and you'll get nonsense.
From the newsfeed.time.com
More examples
  • Trivial nonsense
  • Balderdash is a board game of bluffing and trivia created by Paul Toyne and Lorna Robinson (Gameworks Creations Inc) It is based on a classic parlor game called Fictionary.
  • Balderdash is a game show based on the board game Balderdash that aired on PAX TV from August 2, 2004 to February 4, 2005 with repeats airing until April 22. It was hosted by Elayne Boosler and announced by John Moschitta.
  • Senseless talk or writing; nonsense
  • Nonsense writing; senseless or exaggerated talk, as similar to piffle, twaddle, blather, drivel, humbug, flummery, gibberish, inanity, gobbledygook, rigmarole, flapdoodle. ...
  • Nonsense, foolishness; empty babble.
  • N. A rapidly receding hairline.
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