The backwoodsman hunted buffalo in the 1760s, at the edge of the known world.
From the
One had the lean, sinewy frame and flowing grey beard of a backwoodsman.
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It must be strange to be a Tory backwoodsman at the moment.
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Tall backwoodsman John James Audubon was reversing the usual traffic in search of a transatlantic fortune.
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Designer stubble, or hairy backwoodsman?
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He claimed he visited most of the towns and villages in Tennessee and learned his skills as a backwoodsman, hunter and trapper.
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Clearly, the definition of a Eurosceptic as a backwoodsman with a reflex mistrust of Johnny Foreigner and dodgy taste in neckwear is in need of updating.
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His transformation into a suburban-backwoodsman is evinced in his learning to hunt, growing a beard, putting on weight and losing much of his self-esteem.
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He is a Georgia backwoodsman who can't get the hang of spitting his tobacco accurately, let alone of making his teammates respect or even like him very much.
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More examples
Frontiersman: a man who lives on the frontier
A person who is acclimated to living in a forest area that is far removed from civilization or modern conveniences; An uncivilized person; A Peer who is seldom present in the House of Lords of the United Kingdom Parliament, who may be encouraged to attend when a very important vote is expected