There is no working delete key or backspace key, and no arrow keys either.
From the
Commands such as backspace, enter and tab are all done with the stroke of your stylus.
From the
The pipe on the keyboard is located directly underneath the backspace key.
From the
The keys that are likely to annoy you are the apostrophe and backspace.
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I'm not trying to be a backspace driver, but you should really ask us where we want to go.
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I didn't have a wife or friend to re-read before I hit POST, or spell check, or even backspace.
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The exclamation point was a three-stroke combination of an apostrophe, a backspace, and a period.
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They therefore placed a key producing rubout at the location used on typewriters for backspace.
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Suddenly, I could type away, backspace and delete and overwrite and revise as much as I liked.
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More examples
Hit the backspace key on a computer or typewriter keyboard; "To erase, you must backspace"
Backspace is the keyboard key that originally pushed the typewriter carriage one position backwards, and in modern computer displays moves the cursor one position backwards, deletes the preceding character, and shifts back the text after it by one position.
A key that deletes all selected text, if any, or the text character to the left of the cursor.
In the active Line tool, removes the last sketched segment.
Using the BACKSPACE key on the keyboard erases the character to the left of the cursor.