English language

How to pronounce aroid in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms araceous
Type Words
Synonyms arum
Type of herb, herbaceous plant
Has types amorphophallus campanulatus, amorphophallus paeonifolius, amorphophallus rivieri, amorphophallus titanum, arisaema atrorubens, arisaema dracontium, arisaema triphyllum, arisarum vulgare, arum maculatum, arum palaestinum, black calla, yautia, amorphophallus, umbrella arum, wake-robin, xanthosoma atrovirens, xanthosoma sagittifolium, alocasia, caladium, colocasia esculenta, cuckoopint, dalo, dasheen, devil's tongue, dieffenbachia sequine, dracontium, dracunculus vulgaris, dragon arum, dumb cane, elephant's ear, elephant ear, elephant yam, friar's-cowl, green dragon, indian turnip, jack-in-the-pulpit, krubi, lords-and-ladies, malanga, mother-in-law's tongue, mother-in-law plant, nephthytis, pungapung, snake palm, spoonflower, tannia, taro, taro plant, telingo potato, titan arum

Examples of aroid

The calla lily's spathe is white, but aroid spathes can appear in other colors as well, depending on the plant.
From the dailynews.com
If you ever had an indoor plant, whether on your office desk or over the kitchen sink, there is a good chance it was an aroid.
From the dailynews.com