The team describes its findings regarding the extreme protein of the archaebacterium Ferroplasma acidiphilum in the journal PNAS.
From the
In the archaebacterium, yellow light causes proteins to start pumping chloride ions into the cell, as part of its energy-generation mechanism.
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Archaebacteria: considered ancient life forms that evolved separately from bacteria and blue-green algae
The Archaea are a group of single-celled microorganisms. A single individual or species from this domain is called an archaeon (sometimes spelled "archeon"). They have no cell nucleus or any other membrane organelles within their cells. ...
Any primitive bacteria-like organism in the kingdom Archaea
(ARCHAEBACTERIA) an ancient line of bacteria, including the methanogenic, halophilic and thermoacidophilic groups found in hot springs and sea-floor vents; their ribosomes are distinctive, and they also differ from eubacteria (q.v.) in their ribosomal RNA, wall chemistry, and lipids.
(Archaebacteria) Ancient (over 3.5 billion years old) group of prokaryotes; some biologists want to place this group into a separate Kingdom, the Archaea. Most currently place it within the Kingdom Monera.
(Archaebacteria) halophiles (salt), methanogens (methane-producers), thermoacidophiles (hot and acidic).
(archaebacteria) One of two major groups of prokaryotes; many species of archaebacteria live in extreme conditions similar to those prevalent on primitive Earth.
(archaebacteria) the kingdom of prokaryotic cells, excluding eubacteria (considered as a separate domain in certain classification schemes), which is alleged to be ancestral to eubacteria by some evolutionists