Nevertheless, it is well understood that Leibniz was a serious inventor, engineer, and applied scientist, with great respect for practical life.
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So, game theory can be applied to study the choice of the claims one scientist makes.
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When NASA announced a special recruitment for scientist-astronauts in late 1964, Schmitt applied.
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Oritain Global chief scientist Dr Jurian Hoogewerff has applied his techniques to a wide range of materials from food to an ancient mummy.
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It was there that Kinsey studied applied biology under William Morton Wheeler, a scientist who made outstanding contributions to entomology.
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When a top Moscow scientist recently applied for permission to emigrate to Israel, his country house was the first privilege to be taken away from him.
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His abilities as a great scientist, combining theoretical and applied nuclear physics, were acknowledged by all.
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The main thing that annoyed me was the fake Einstein obituary, which was supposed to make the point that references to home and family life read as absurd when applied to a male scientist.
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The cognitive scientist and applied mathematician Ronaldo Vigo argues that information is a relative concept that involves at least two related entities in order to make quantitative sense.